That test in recent posts seems like a lot of bullshit, you or me could probably tell you more about yourself than anything there, although maybe it only applies for "normal" people and I'm perhaps excluded from that category.
Look out for the new item coming up in 6.41, the FURYFISH!!
- BattleFURY
- Blademail
- Mask of MADNESS
- Recipe (3 lumber)
Passive: Randomly leashes out energies of FURY at target, where target is silenced for one hour. Active: Smash icefrog (10000 mana). Instantly destroys icefrog. If mana requirement is not met, it will cast Smash ice, which causes your team's best farmer to suddenly do stupid things.
What a smashing new item.
I won't be doing much battlereporting, since schoolwork hardly makes time for good games (and recently recoverd from a fever, what a great way to spend a weekend and still not be able to catch up on schoolwork being sort of unable to do it) let alone the time to review it, and most of the battlereporting I'll probably try to do for CAPL (fun fun!). Going on, here's the hero log for today, which unfortunately only has one hero because a lot of matches simply leave me with very little capacity to try others.
Hero Log 6/80: Necrolyte
This hero is fun because at full mana it's damn difficult to take him down. The pulses from death pulse can come really quickly, reducing enemy HP and healing you as well. Reaper's scythe is also mostly utterly impossible to KS. Yet another cool thing.
Team battles aren't too hard too. Death pulse is so spammable you just have to be in the right place to spam it and have no need to care about timing. Just make sure you hit enough people and have enough mana to cast your spells. It's always a problem to resist the temptation to reaper that 40% HP intel hero though, instead of saving it for when it's really needed, like on that 3K HP RK.
Necrolyte doesn't actually have any distinct weaknesses. Then again, it doesn't have too many strengths either. Spammable AoE (with no animation time too) is a plus, and so is Reaper's Scythe when used properly. Oh, and I forget about it's staying power in a lane with Sadist to regen mana. That being said, it's not particularly good at survival (the heal helps, but doesn't save from a lot of damage in a short time or a good strength hero tanking everything while hitting you), it doesn't have that much damage output (sans Reaper's Scythe), and it's attack animation sort of sucks.
It's a rather nice feeling though, how a lot of people will underestimate the Necrolyte and get into unfavourable battles with it. With its skillset, going in 2v1 against a Necrolyte isn't that often to your favour unless you have the correct choice of heroes. Its greatest weapon is probably that element of unexpectability when your enemy doesn't account for how quickly Death Pulse can chip at their HP and how that little bit of healing still does quite a good job at keeping you alive.
Oh, but with Death Pulse and Sadist, Necrolyte can farm quite well. That too is always a plus factor.
Item build wise everything seems to work for him. The usual intel items like Dagger or Meka or Necronomicon or Euls all work for him, though I like radiance too once in a while. Skadi as well is lovely but doesn't have that much utility unless you can farm that fast. I guess Dagon works too but in team battles unless you can find that good moment it's hard to pull off and a little too costly.
Fun hero, not very stressful, doesn't require too much micro either. You don't even need to right click, just stand around and press "D". I was actually soloing as a Necrolyte, and it didn't turn out too badly, albeit against a THD.
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